We left for the party which was held at a new luxurious supper club owned by Gloria and which was attended by over a hundred patrons. As we entered a hush descended in the room principally because we were the only "girls" wearing evening gowns--and very sexy ones at that. We "passed" beautifully. After a few hours of basking in the admiring glances of men and women alike, refusing the profferred in- vitations to dance in a most demure fashion, it became necessary to leave. Gail was beginning to suffer as a result of my having taped her bosom for greater cleavage effect.

Gail made an unobtrusive exit, but due to the restriction of my extremely narrow skirts I was compelled to mince seductively from the center of the room where we had enjoyed "ringside" seats at the dance floor to the exit on the far side of the room. As I made my way be- tween tables a rising tide of admiration developed in my wake. Low whistles and light applause grew into piercing whistles and loud approbation. As I reached the door, I could not resist the tempt- ation to turn about, grace the admiring crowd with a big smile and blow them a farewell kiss. The deception was not only perfect, but it was an outstanding personal success. I must, in all fairness, add that Gail does not share in this opinion although we wholeheart- edly agreed that we enjoyed an exceptionally wonderful experience.

A few months ago it would have seemed fantastic for me to "dress" and sally forth in public. This is something that TV fan- tasies are made of. Yet here it was--quite real. Are the things I think impossible or improbable today such as living as a woman for a short period of time-to become a reality in my future?




Some of you new girls may not know that we have reprinted all back issues so that you can catch up to those who have been in the family since the beginning. You'll be interested in the progress made and in the various articles and history of our activities. #s 1 & 2 are in quarter size pages at $2.50 but 3-14 are all full size and regular price...while they last!
